Employment Notice No. PLR/14/EMC/181/01 Date: 04.01.2013
Employment Notice No. PLR/14/EMC/181/01 Date: 04.01.2013
DVC is looking for energetic and experienced engineers for induction of lateral entry in the rank of M3 & M4 level who are having experienced in 210 MW or above units in different discipline for Operation & Maintenance of upcoming plants along with Project Engineering, Corporate Monitoring of Projects & Corporate Material Management.DVC offers ample professional growth opportunities in expanding power projects.
DVC invites ONLINE applications from result–oriented engineering professionals having relevant experience for induction of lateral entry at M3 & M4 level in the following posts of engineering disciplines with details under Table I, II & III below. Please read the advertisement carefully and ensure eligibility criteria before submitting On-Line application. The eligibility criteria regarding prescribed educational qualification, experience, age and other relevant details including modality as to how to apply are mentioned below.
Candidates who are otherwise eligible as per Qualification Requirements (QR) & experience read with other terms & conditions given in the detailed Advertisement in the DVC website www. dvc. gov.in may only apply. The detailed advertisement containing qualifying requirements, dates and venue of Test/Interview and other terms and conditions will be available in DVC website www.dvc.gov.in from 1300 hours of 05.01.2013 to 2400 hours of 28.01.2013. On Line applications are also invited in the prescribed format from the intending regular Group ‘A’ employees of DVC who are otherwise fulfilling the eligibility criteria as per QR & Experience read with other terms & conditions laid down in the DVC website. No other mode of application will be acceptable.
Scale of Pay :15,600-39,100/ in PB-3(GP 6,600)
1.Executive Engineer (Electrical):10(GEN-6,OBC- 2,SC-1,ST-1)1-PH(HH)of M3/M4
2.Executive Engineer(Mechanical):10(GEN-5,OBC-3,SC- 2)
2.Executive Engineer(Mechanical):10(GEN-5,OBC-3,SC- 2)
3.Executive Engineer(C&I)-M3:09(GEN-4,OBC-3,SC-1,ST-1)
4.Executive Engineer(IT)-M3:06(UR-2,OBC-2,SC-1, ST-1 )
5.Executive Engineer (Civil)-M3:01(OBC-01)
5.Executive Engineer (Civil)-M3:01(OBC-01)
Maximum Age as on 01.01.2013 :35 year
Scale of Pay :15,600-39,100/ in PB-3(GP 6,600)
1.Senior Divisional Engineer (Electrical)-M4 :20(GEN-10,OBC- 6,SC-3,ST-1)
2.Senior Divisional Engineer (Mechanical)-M4:24(GEN-12,OBC-6 SC- 4,ST-2)
3.Senior Divisional Engineer(C&I):10(GEN-5,OBC-2,SC-2,ST-1)
4.Senior Divisional Engineer(IT)-M4:03(UR-2,OBC-1)
5.Senior Divisional Engineer(Civil)-M4:02(GEN-02)
Opening Date of Application ONLINE 05.01.2013(13:00 Hours)
Closing Date of Application ONLINE 28.01.2013 (24:00 Hour++s)
Opening Date of Application ONLINE 05.01.2013(13:00 Hours)
Closing Date of Application ONLINE 28.01.2013 (24:00 Hour++s)