Wednesday, 9 January 2013


Employment Notice No. PLR/14/EMC/181/01 Date: 04.01.2013

DVC is looking for energetic and experienced engineers for induction of lateral entry in the rank of M3 & M4 level who are having experienced in 210 MW or above units in different discipline for Operation & Maintenance of upcoming plants along with Project Engineering, Corporate Monitoring of Projects & Corporate Material Management.DVC offers ample professional growth opportunities in expanding power projects.

DVC invites ONLINE applications from result–oriented engineering professionals having relevant experience for induction of lateral entry at M3 & M4 level in the following posts of engineering disciplines with details under Table I, II & III below. Please read the advertisement carefully and ensure eligibility criteria before submitting On-Line application. The eligibility criteria regarding prescribed educational qualification, experience, age and other relevant details including modality as to how to apply are mentioned below.

Candidates who are otherwise eligible as per Qualification Requirements (QR) & experience read with other terms & conditions given in the detailed Advertisement in the DVC website  www. dvc. may only apply. The detailed advertisement containing qualifying requirements, dates and venue of Test/Interview and other terms and conditions will be available in DVC website from 1300 hours of 05.01.2013 to 2400 hours of 28.01.2013. On Line applications are also invited in the prescribed format from the intending regular Group ‘A’ employees of DVC who are otherwise fulfilling the eligibility criteria as per QR & Experience read with other terms & conditions laid down in the DVC website. No other mode of application will be acceptable.
Scale of Pay :15,600-39,100/ in PB-3(GP 6,600)
1.Executive Engineer (Electrical):10(GEN-6,OBC- 2,SC-1,ST-1)1-PH(HH)of M3/M4
2.Executive Engineer(Mechanical):10(GEN-5,OBC-3,SC- 2)
3.Executive Engineer(C&I)-M3:09(GEN-4,OBC-3,SC-1,ST-1)
4.Executive Engineer(IT)-M3:06(UR-2,OBC-2,SC-1, ST-1 )
5.Executive Engineer (Civil)-M3:01(OBC-01)

Maximum Age as on 01.01.2013 :35 year

Scale of Pay :15,600-39,100/ in PB-3(GP 6,600)
1.Senior Divisional Engineer (Electrical)-M4 :20(GEN-10,OBC- 6,SC-3,ST-1)
2.Senior Divisional Engineer (Mechanical)-M4:24(GEN-12,OBC-6 SC- 4,ST-2)
3.Senior Divisional Engineer(C&I):10(GEN-5,OBC-2,SC-2,ST-1)
4.Senior Divisional Engineer(IT)-M4:03(UR-2,OBC-1)
5.Senior Divisional Engineer(Civil)-M4:02(GEN-02)

Opening Date of Application ONLINE 05.01.2013(13:00 Hours)
Closing Date of Application ONLINE 28.01.2013 (24:00 Hour++s)

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Junior Engineering Assistants in various post :70

                  Indian Oil Corporation Limited’s Mathura Refinery invites applications for recruitment of Junior Engineering Assistants in various disciplines.
1. Jr Engineering Assistant-IV (Production) – 22
2. Jr Engineering Assistant-IV (Electrical Maintenance) – 7
3. Jr Engineering Assistant- IV – Mechanical Maintenance – (Rotary Equipment/General Fitter/Machinist) – 13
4. Jr Engineering Assistant-IV (Power & Utility) – 20
5. Jr Engineering Assistant-IV (Fire & Safety) – 6
6. Jr Engineering Assistant-IV (Instrumentation) – 2

Last Date to Apply: 04.02.2013

For details refer

Project Engineers @ C-DAC Vacancies: 29

C-DAC Hyderabad invites applications for the post of Project Engineers.
Post: Project Engineer
Total No. of Vacancies: 29
Applications has to be submitted online @ Last date for online submission is 15.01.2013.
  1. PE-ESEC-DS-001
  2. PE-VLSI–TR- 002
  3. PE-VLSI– TR- 003
  4. PER-EMBD-RDTR-004
  5. PER-EMBD-RDTR-005
  6. PE-ID-RDTR 006
  7. PE-ID-TR-007
  8. PE-VLSI-(R &D) 008
  9. PE-CS-(R&D) - 009

For further details & to apply online, visit:

Project Engineer-I
Post Code
No. of Vacancies
03 (Three)
First Class in B.E/ B. Tech or equivalent degree in Electronics/ Electronics & Communication /Computer Science from a recognized University.
Skill Set
Mandatory Skills:
  • Operating Systems
  • Any one Programming Language
Additional Skills:
  • JavaEE, Spring Framework, HTML5
  • OR
  • Implementation of Cryptography Algorithms in C, Basics of Network Security
Job Profile
Mobile Device Security
Consolidated Salary
Rs. 31,000 /-
Below 30 years as on the last date of advertisement

Project Engineer-I (R & D Training)
Post Code
PE-VLSI –TR- 002
No. of Vacancies
02 (Two)
First Class in B.E/ B. Tech Degree or equivalent in Electronics / Electronics & Telecommunication / Electronics & Instrumentation engineering from a recognized University
Skill Set
  • In-depth understanding of Electronic Circuit Design, VLSI design
  • Thorough demonstrable knowledge of ASIC and FPGA design flows & development tools
  • Knowledge of hardware description languages and experience in behavioral.
  • RTL coding (Verilog/ System Verilog/ VHDL)
  • Understanding of Verification flows, knowledge of Linux environments and scripting languages
  • Desirable: M.E/ M.Tech/ Postgraduate Diploma in VLSI
Job Profile
R&D & Training activities in VLSI & related areas
Consolidated Salary
Rs. 31,000 /-
Below 30 years as on the last date of advertisement.

Project Engineer-II (Training)
Post Code
PE-VLSI – TR- 003
No. of Vacancies
1 (one)
First Class in B.E/ B. Tech Degree or equivalent in Electronics / Electronics & Telecommunication / Electronics & Instrumentation engineering from a recognized University with atleast 3 yrs of post qualification relevant work experience
Masters in Technology (M.Tech) / M.E in Electronics / VLSI
Ph.D in relevant domain
Preference will be given for post qualification work experience
Skill Set
  • Thorough demonstrable knowledge of ASIC and FPGA design flows & development tools
  • Knowledge of hardware description languages (VHDL, Verilog HDL, SystemVerilog etc.),
  • FPGA synthesis tools, Scripting languages (Perl, Tcl/Tk etc.)
  • Understanding of Verification flows, Knowledge of Linux environments
Job Profile
R&D & Training activities in VLSI & related areas
Consolidated Salary
Rs. 37,000 /-
Below 32 Years as on the last date of advertisement

Project Engineer-I (R & D Training )
Post Code
No. of Vacancies
02 (Two)
First Class in B.E/ B. Tech Degree or equivalent in Electronics / Electronics & Telecommunication / Electronics & Instrumentation engineering from a recognized University
Skill Set
  • In-depth understanding of the design and development of advanced embedded systems, Thorough knowledge of Hardware platforms like ARM, AVR, DSP etc., Thorough knowledge of programming languages (Assembly, C, and C++), Knowledge of Linux environments and scripting languages.
  • Desirable: M.E/ M.Tech/ Postgraduate diploma in Embedded Systems/ Electronics/ Wireless Communications
Job Profile
R&D & Training activities in Embedded Systems & related areas
Consolidated Salary
Rs. 31,000 /-
Below 30 years as on the last date of advertisement

Project Engineer-II (Training)
Post Code
No. of Vacancies
01 (One)
First Class B.E / B.Tech or equivalent degree in relevant discipline
Ist Class in B.E/ B. Tech Degree or equivalent in Electronics / Electronics & Telecommunication / Electronics & Instrumentation engineering from a recognized University with atleast 3 yrs of post qualification relevant work experience
Masters in Technology (M.Tech) / M.E in Embedded Systems/ Electronics/ Wireless Communications
Ph.D in relevant domain
Preference will be given for post qualification work experience
Skill Set
  • Indepth understanding of the design and development of advanced embedded systems, Thorough knowledge of Hardware platforms like ARM, AVR, DSP etc., Thorough knowledge of programming languages (Assembly, C, and C++), Knowledge of Linux environments and scripting languages.
  • Desirable: M.E/ M.Tech/ Postgraduate diploma in Embedded Systems/ Electronics/ Wireless Communications
Job Profile
R&D & Training activities in Embedded Systems & related areas
Consolidated Salary
Rs. 37,000 /-
Below 32 Years as on the last date of advertisement

Project Engineer-I (Industrial Design Training)
Post Code
No. of Vacancies
02 (Two)
First Class in B.E/ B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering/ Production Engineering/ Industrial Engineering / Mechatronics / Industrial Electronics from a recognized University
Skill Set
  • Knowledge in CAD/CAM, Industrial Design and Production Technology
  • Desirable: M.E/ M.Tech/ Postgraduate diploma in CAD/CAM / Design and Production / Mechatronics
Job Profile
R&D & Training activities in Industrial Design
Consolidated Salary
Rs. 31,000 /-
Below 30 years as on the last date of advertisement

Project Engineer-II (Industrial Design Training)
Post Code
No. of Vacancies
1 (One)
First Class in B.E/ B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering/ Production Engineering/ Industrial Engineering / Mechatronics / Industrial Electronics from a recognized University with atleast 3 yrs of post qualification relevant work experience
Masters in Technology (M.Tech) / M.E in CAD/CAM / Design and Production / Mechatronics
Ph.D in relevant domain
Preference will be given for post qualification work experience
Skill Set
  • Functional knowledge in CAD/CAM, Industrial Design and Production Technology
  • Desirable: M.E/ M.Tech/ Postgraduate diploma in CAD/CAM / Design and Production / Mechatronics
Job Profile
R&D & Training activities in Industrial Design
Consolidated Salary
  • Rs. 37,000 /-
Below 32 Years as on the last date of advertisement

DGVCL Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Limited (DGVCL) : 66 Junior Engineer

Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Limited (DGVCL) invites applications for the post of 66 Jr. Engineers.
company details :Pursuant to direction from Government of Gujarat for reorganization of the power sector in the state, Gujarat Electricity Board has been unbundled into separate seven Companies with functional responsibilities for generation, transmission, distribution and trading of electricity with complete autonomous operations.  

1. Junior Engineer (IT).
2. Junior Engineer (ELE).
3. Junior Engineer (Civil)
Last Date To Apply: 10/01/2013.

For More details & To Apply On-line, visit:

How and Where to Find Government Jobs in India in No Time ?

How to Get  Government Jobs in India Quickly ?

                  Getting a Government Job is a top priority among the educated youth of India. Since a government job offers high job security, fair incentives and a good working environment it is natural to look for a Government Job instead of the private sector. There are many opportunities and various sectors like banks, railways etc where one can apply for a Government Job but beware of the touts who promise a Government Job in return of a large sum. Don’t be carried away by their false promises as a Job in the Government sector can be secured by applying to the requisite sector and getting selected on the basis of merit.
Find Out Why Getting a Govt Job is Easy in 21st Century ?
Now a days it is very simple to apply for a Government Job than a Decade ago. As with the advancement in technology, the various Government departments release online forms.
 How Jobs Portals Can help you in Getting your Dream Job ?
Another very convenient option that has developed in the last few years is that there are many job portals like,
WORLD OF JOB etc that cater to provide job recruitment.
  • Jobs by Email: These portals are very useful and beneficial for the job seeker as the various job opportunities and job offers are directly mailed to the recipient’s inbox. 
  • Jobs in Hometown: Exclusive Government Jobs that are according to the individual’s qualifications, based in their hometown, and offering high paying perks etc can easily be availed once you become a member. 
  • Free Membership: Plus the membership to these portals is free; the user only has to make an account and sign up to receive the jobs directly in their e-mails. 
  • Plus Career Tips: Students can find their dream jobs in no time plus these portals offer many other tips for the job seeker like tips on how to make an effective resume, things that will make a resume stand out, impress the client well at the same time offering a complete and valuable insight of the individual. 
Three Major Benefits of Getting Registering with these Portal
  1. No Delays : By registering oneself with recruitment portals, one gets a quick and apt response only in a few days. Instead of visiting offices with a resume in hand, and not being sure of the positions and jobs vacant and the skills that the employers are looking for, the Recruitment portals offer a comprehensive profile of the individual to the employers so the best prospective clients only drop their offers in the individual’s inbox.
  2. Wide array of options : One has a very wide array of options in the Government as well as the private sector as the Companies log onto these sites in search of prospective employees that will handle the job efficiently and effectively as well as fit into the Organisation’s scheme of things.
  3. Exclusive Jobs - A Recruitment Portal offers the chance to upload a comprehensive resume that too for free on there for all the Companies that are hiring. It offers tips on what makes a good resume, as well as provides many columns that will bring out specific skills that are exclusive for the job. Like for example, A teacher’s resume is different from a person seeking a banking job as different skills are required for each. These skills help in identifying the most suitable and exclusive jobs for the candidate.
Jobs for Everyone (Freshers, Experienced, IT Professionals etc)
Despite of the endless benefits these world of job  (Shine, TimesJobs) provide. One of the most important benefits is that it segregates the jobs according to your work experience. There are two main types of segregation is done by these recruitment portals, which are given below

Experienced Candidates – If you have experience in any Fields, you can fill the time period of your experience along with your details or you can upload your resume in the experienced candidates’ category.

To Apply for Government Jobs Clcik on the "Submit RESUME" Button below

Fresher Candidates – In case you have just finished your studies and starting as a fresher, these consultants provide you the complete job information along with annual salary the company is ready to give for the fresher candidates.

To Apply for Government Jobs as a Fresher, Clcik on the Submit Resume button below

IT Field Candidates: If, you have any Experience in IT Fields or  Just a Fresher who have completed or going to Complete his/her Degree/Diploma in IT Field (Like BCA, MCA, B Tech/BE. in Information Technology and Computer Sciences. Then you can Submit your RESUME, by clicking at the Submit Resume Button below:


                                                                                        posted by recruitmentportal

OPGC 25 Executive Trainee Engineer Recruitment 2013

Odisha Power Generation Corporation Ltd. 25 Executive Trainee Recruitment 2013 OPGC Executive Trainee Vacancies 2013 OPGC Executive Trainees Jobs 2013

OPGCL Recruitment 2013

Odisha Power Generation Corporation Ltd.
  a Joint Venture of Government of Odisha and AES Corporation, USA is thermal power generating company with state-of-art technology with a generation capacity of 2 X 210 MW having its plant site at Ib Thermal Power Station, Banharpali, Jharsuguda with an annual turnover of about 500 crores. The Company is currently in the process of setting up 2 X 660 MW units & developing its captive coal mine in the 1st Phase. We are looking for bright, young, energetic and committed Engineers with brilliant academic record to join OPGC as Engineering Executive Trainees. The breakup of the disciplines is indicated below:

Detail of Vacancies :- 25 POSTS.
  • Executive Trainee (Mechanical) :- 10 posts
  • Executive Trainee (Electrical) :- 08 posts
  • Executive Trainee (Civil) :- 03 posts
  • Executive Trainee (C&I) :- 03 posts
  • Executive Trainee (Mining) :- 01 post
CLICK HERE List of All Government Sector Jobs and Result
Age Limit :- 25 years of age as on 01.12.2012 for all posts.

Educational Qualifications :- Prescribed Full Time Degree in Engineering with minimum 65% in aggregate from Recognised University/Institution .

Application Fee :-   Candidates belonging to GEN/OBC category are required to pay an application Fee Rs. 100/- Demand Draft. SC/ST & PWD candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.

How To Apply :-  Apply Online From  27 December 2012  to 16 January 2013. Send the duly completed Printed Version of Application Form having Auto Generated Online Application No. alongwith requisite amount of Demand Draft (wherever required) to "Post Box No.3076, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003 " (To be sent through ordinary post only) so as to reach on or before 25 January 2013.

                                                     LAST DATE  :-16 Jan.2013

Monday, 7 January 2013

Bharat Electronics Probationary 150 Engineers Recruitment 2012 Through GATE 2013

Bharat Electronics Probationary Engineers Recruitment 2012 Through GATE 2013 
  BEL 150 Probationary Engineers Recruitment 2012 Through GATE 2013
    BEL Recruitment 2012

Bharat Electronics Limited, a Navratna Company & India’s leading Professional Electronics Company
requires GRADUATE ENGINEERS in the following disciplines.

Detail of Vacancies :-
  • Electronics & Communication Engineering (EC) - 80 Posts
  • Mechanical Engineering (ME) - 25 Posts
  • Computer Science & Information Technology (CS) - 45 Posts
CLICK HERE List of All Government Sector Jobs and Result
Age Limit :- The maximum age limit for General candidates as on 01.06.2013 will be 25 years. Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST candidates and 3 years for OBC candidates.

Pay Scale :- Candidates selected against the above position, will be placed in E-II grade, at the minimum of the pay scale of Rs.16400-3%-40500/- . In addition, they will be entitled to DA, HRA, Conveyance Allowance, Performance Related Pay, Medical Reimbursement and other perquisites as admissible.

Educational Qualifications :-   GEN / OBC candidates with first class in the qualifying degree in the above mentioned disciplines from AICTE approved Colleges. Candidates with first class in AMIE / AMIETE in the above disciplines are also eligible to apply. SC/ST/PWD candidates with pass class in the qualifying degree in the above mentioned disciplines are eligible to apply. (Please Download advertisement given below for more information.)

Application Fee :-  There will be no application fee for applying to BEL.

How To Apply :-  applying to BEL for the post of Probationary Engineer are required to appear in GATE-2013.The candidates will receive their GATE-2013 Registration Number printed on their admit card. On receipt of GATE registration number, the candidate will be required to apply to BEL online. The relevant link for applying online will be made available from 28th December 2012

GATE-2013 Online Examination is scheduled on 20th January 2013. For detailed information on GATE-
2013, interested candidates Click Here ! last date for Apply GATE 2013 is 30 Sep. 2012

                                                 LAST DATE  :- 14th Feb. 2013

For More Information Please Visit -